Missing Chicken
One of our sweet Ameraucana hens, Kumo, was missing from the coop for a couple of days. Peter and I realized that something was wrong. We searched all over our property, under the trees, in the bushes, etc. Peter finally found clusters of her feathers in the front yard. We realized that she was killed by some sort of predator. First we suspected that it might have been by a neighbor’s dog, but now we are more inclined to think it was by a raccoon. We searched for her body everywhere, but could not find it. Our chickens sleep in the coop at night, and they are quite safe in there. But now we have to worry about the raccoons in our yard attacking our chickens in the daytime. We set up a couple of wildlife cameras and traps for the raccoon, and we’ll see what happens. We’ll miss you Kumo.
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